PROVISACC Diamond uses, benefits, price, dose, and composition

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PROVISACC Diamond Improves Ruminal Digestion for Enhanced Quantity & Quality Milk Production powder, SACHET, bolus veterinary uses, price, dosage, salt composition, benefits, and side effects; for cattle, pets, buffalo, cow, calf, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, & pigs.

What is a PROVISACC Diamond?

PROVISACC Diamond is a specialized livestock supplement crafted to optimize rumen digestion. Utilizing bioactive compounds from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, pH stabilizers, enzyme blends, and nutritional supplements, it enhances the rumen environment and microflora.

This improves nutrient absorption, boosting dry matter intake and digestibility. Resultantly, it increases milk yield, elevates Fat & SNF percentages in milk, and promotes overall animal health. By fostering a healthier rumen ecosystem, this product aims to maximize the efficiency of nutrient utilization in livestock, ultimately enhancing milk production while ensuring the well-being of the animals.


PROVISACC Diamond overview

PROVISACC Diamond Veterinary uses

ProductsPROVISACC Diamond
Manufactured byVetcare Cargill Animal Health
Brand NamePROVISACC Diamond
Veterinary farm
Active IngredientBioactive metabolites of Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
pH stabilizer, cocktail enzymes,
organic & inorganic supplements
IndicationImproves rumen digestibility & dry matter intake by
improving rumen environment and the count &
activity of important rumen microflora.
Helps in improving milk yield, Fat & SNF % and animal health
Dosage20 g/day/animal: Orally
Packaging6 x 20g & 500g
PricePROVISACC Diamond SACHET-20GM MRP-00.00

PROVISACC Diamond Composition

Ingredients & Composition:

  • Bioactive metabolites of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • pH stabilizer, cocktail enzymes
  • organic & inorganic supplements

PROVISACC Diamond uses

Indications / Benefits / Usage:

  • Improves rumen digestibility & dry matter intake by improving rumen environment and the count & activity of important rumen microflora.
  • Helps in improving milk yield, Fat & SNF % and animal health

PROVISACC Diamond Dose

Dosage/ Administration / Directions For Use:

  • 20 g/day/animal: Orally

Route: Orally

Presentation: 6 sachets of 20g each in a monocarton & 500g

PROVISACC Diamond Price

  • PROVISACC Diamond SACHET-20GM MRP-00.00

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