20 Easy Outdoor Plants That Don't Need Sunlight

1. Hostas: These hardy plants come in a variety of colors and textures and prefer partial shade.

2. Impatiens: These colorful flowers bloom all season long and do well in shady areas.

3. Begonias: These plants are known for their colorful foliage and can thrive in full shade or partial shade.

4. Ferns: There are many types of ferns, and most of them prefer shady, moist environments.

5. Astilbes: These flowers thrive in shady, moist areas and come in a variety of colors.

6. Bleeding hearts: These delicate flowers prefer partial shade and moist soil.

7. Hellebores: Also known as Lenten roses, these flowers bloom in winter and early spring and prefer partial shade.

8. Toad lilies: These unique flowers bloom in late summer and do well in shady areas.

9. Solomon's seal: This plant has arching stems and prefers shady areas with moist soil.

10. Lungwort: This plant has unique foliage and blooms in the spring and prefers partial shade.

11. Columbine: These flowers come in a variety of colors and prefer partial shade.