The Nutritional Benefits of Turnips: A Biennial Root Vegetable
Turnips are root vegetables with a bulbous taproot and green leaves.
They are grown for human consumption and livestock feed in temperate regions around the world.
Most common turnips have white skin, with the part above the ground projecting in purple, red or greenish color.
Turnips are cool-season crops grown for their tender roots or leaves.
Turnip leaves are also edible and taste like mustard greens, and are consumed as a side dish mainly in late fall and winter.
Turnips come in many varieties, some with no storage roots and some with small and tender roots that are eaten fresh.
Turnips are a biennial plant that takes two years to grow, producing flowers and seeds in the second year.
Turnips belong to the same family as broccoli, cabbage, mustard, and kale.
Baby turnips are special varieties that never grow large, and are usually eaten raw in salads.
Turnips are a good source of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and micronutrients.
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